WorldPress Fototentoonstelling 2021

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World Press Photo Exhibition 2021

Liège, Belgium

30 October 2021 to  30 December 2021
La Cité Miroir, Liège, Belgium

La Cité Miroir, Liège

World Press Photo Exhibition 2021

La Cité Miroir, Liège

Visit the World Press Photo Exhibition 2021 on its world-wide tour showcasing the stories that matter with photography from the 64rd annual World Press Photo Contest.

The winners were chosen by an independent jury that reviewed more than 74,470 photographs entered by 4,315 photographers from 130 countries.

Event location

Place Xavier Neujean 22, Liège

Tel. +32 4 230 70 50

Visiting hours

Monday to Friday : 9.00 - 18.00
Saturday and Sunday : 10.00 - 18.00
Closed on 1 November, 24/25 December


General admission: CHF 10
Students, 6-16 years old and AVS: CHF 7

Organization details

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